Take inventory of yourself and find out where you are in life. The person you are at one stage of life, is going to differ from the rest. The person you were five years ago, might not even recognize who you are today. Ask yourself if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Did you improve? Have your goals become loftier? What needs to change?
We are in a constant momentum and change. Whether it comes from the mental or physical growth. Some of us grow physically, but don’t make the jump to adulthood in our minds. The only way you mentally grow is through the crowd you keep, the books you read, the challenges you take on and experiences you have which broaden your horizon.
Take time out to do that self inventory, and make the changes that will get you where you want to be. If you don’t look yourself in the mirror to tell yourself what your report card is and what you’re doing good or bad at; you are doomed to stay the same and go nowhere fast. Keep moving.