Productive days bring better days because you have less on your plate to take care of. Even if it is that one thing that can wait, you no long have to wait for it to be knocking at your door. Even on a day that was designed for you to relax a bit, it doesn’t hurt to get a couple of things on the list accomplished. Getting ahead and staying ahead is never a bad thing.
Know when it is time to rest, but don’t let a good opportunity to get things done pass you by. You will always regret the things you allowed to slip through your fingers, way more than the things you accomplished. The small things add up eventually, and when they add you in your favor, they feel even better. You don’t succeed at a marathon in the first mile, it’s the accumulation of miles training that will get you to where you want to at least cross the finish line, and even more training to win; so is said about life.
Make the most of today, like every day, because you never know what tomorrow may bring. Keep moving.